Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Time for TEAMS!

It's time to get our Memory Walk teams up and running!
(Sorry... I mean 'walking')

Our Memory Walk dates for Northern Michigan are:
Alpena - September 19th
Traverse City - September 26th
Gaylord - November 7th
(and YES! - Gaylord is an indoor event!)

But the
Memory Walks aren't for a couple of months. Why are we organizing now?

Great question!

We want to organize now and get the 'work' of the walk out of the way so we can enjoy the day when it arrives. However you raise your Memory Walk team goals is up to you, by planning early, you have time to hold a garage sale, bake sale, BBQ party, card party, or some other event. You may not want to have an event at all, but you still need some time to contact people and businesses to sponsor your team.

Remember, you do not have to physically be at Memory Walk to participate! You can have a virtual team with members from around the world using the walk web pages (links above - click on the walk names). This is a fun way to involve families who are spread out over the globe.

Whatever you do this year to help with Memory Walk is greatly appreciated by the people and families living with Alzheimer's Disease in Northern Michigan. The funds raised through Memory Walk support programs, counseling and materials they rely on for assistance in managing their ever changing walk with Alzheimer's. Thank you!

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